Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

artikel adverbial clauses

As a loyal constituency that voted for President Yudhoyono since the 2004 elections, Dipo Alam believes there are no symptoms of the Yudhoyono government made a mistake that deserves to dimakzulkan.

According to him, government regulation in Indonesia is a presidential system, so there should be no imposition of ways as is the case in parliamentary systems.

"I see in-impeach Gus Dur was sad, though how he was the president when it despite its flaws. And I hope that the impeachment of our President, Gus Dur, is the latest victim, do not repeat again, "he said.

Here are excerpts of an interview with Dipo Alam BETWEEN:
Dipo: So far I still, I know tupoksi (main duties and functions of-ed) me as the Cabinet Secretary, I take care of Presidential Decree, Presidential Instruction, perpres, retired people, hearing problems, legal problems, and I facilitate for the management of the President and Cabinet Vice President. In addition I can also to coordinate additional specialized staff president.

When I was sworn in as Cabinet Secretary is the one thing that I remember from the speech, the president saying that my duties in the management of the cabinet is not in the result only of legislation but also the process. It was my own translated in the management of this cabinet. So this is not limited scopenya limited keppres papers, Presidential Instruction, these problems were later also the trial legislation, presidential directives later in the trial that I bring to the cabinet also told the ministers. I'd run it one year, I never spoke, almost rare because I know my position as Cabinet Secretary.

But when the interfaith group that has become a public discourse on the outside and given a chance by the president for dialogue at the Palace, but unfortunately that is displayed by Pak Din Syamsuddin primarily as a leader who calls for dialogue, I was so surprised. I see from the expression-expression that he is not genuine criticism as a moral movement, but he already shows a hatred in the expression-expression in the sense that if you can reduce SBY as a president. So I thought it was time because if I ask a special staff and I also asked the president to the ministers, they are busy with their respective fields. I think I took the initiative.

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