Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

My Autobiography

Nama   : Fitri Indri Yani

NPM    : 12210830

Kelas   : 4EA14

My name is Fitri Indri Yani. I am female, I was born in Bekasi, 20 March 1992 my son to one of the two brothers, I was born from a simple family and I live with my family in Bekasi
I started studying from kindergarten (TK. Parkit) South Tambun graduate 1998, further to my elementary school SDN 01 Mekarsari South Tambun graduates of 2004, I was in junior high school SMP AL-Muhadjirin 2006 graduate of East Bekasi, SMK me SMK Karya Bhakti 1 East Bekasi graduated in 2010, and in 2010 I immediately went to college at the University Gunadarma.
Currently I'm undergoing a small business has been 3 years or less, I want my business to grow and succeed. I want to help as much as possible with my family and everything I could to alleviate the needs of the family. I have a purpose in life better for the future, I want to be happy for the two of my parents especially, and those closest to me. Both my parents were encouraging of my life, which is always there for his good and bad, and always provide motivation and inspiration for me much better. I am very happy to have two parents as he is responsible, hard working, friendly and humble.
`           Yes thank you GOD has given me the parents who are so great in living a life that a lot of the trials and tribulations of GOD Yes. What have I lived and I live today get blessing from GOD. May the year 2014 to make a happiness for me and the family.
My motivation is Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, which it should not be used as a vanity advantages and disadvantages that make its success is useful and beneficial to yourself and others.

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